Enhancing the data infrastructure for Virginia Federal Endangered and Threatened insect species
Occurrence data that was digitized from the VTEC as part of this project, and other sources underlying the species distribution models
Spruce-fir moss spider, Microhexura montivaga
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: none, no specimen holdings
Ellett Valley cave millipede, Pseudotremia cavernarum
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: none, no specimen holdings
Laurel Creek millipede, Apheloria whiteheadi
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: (link to database records and digitized images)
Buffalo Mountain mealybug, Puto kosztarabi
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: none, no specimen holdings
Northeastern beach tiger beetle, Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: (link to database records and digitized images)
Holsinger’s cave beetle, Pseudanophthalmus holsingeri
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: none, no specimen holdings
Thomas’ cave beetle, Pseudanophthalmus thomasi
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: none, no specimen holdings
American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: (link to database records and digitized images)
Mitchell’s satyr butterfly, Neonympha mitchellii
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: none, no specimen holdings
Appalachian grizzled skipper, Pyrgus centaureae wyandot
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: (link to database records and digitized images)
Diana fritillary, Speyeria diana
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: (link to database records and digitized images)
Rusty patched bumble bee, Bombus affinis
Occurrence data: full data (.XLSX) | lat/long data (.CSV)
Specimen records digitized from VTEC: (link to database records and digitized images)